Saturday, July 18, 2009


George Edwin Leech was the son of George Leech and Elizabeth G. Willis of Delavan, Walworth, Wisconsin. Born 17 Sep 1859 and died 04 Jun 1947.

Will Conduct His Farm at Vineland, N. J., and Also Open Practice

Dr. G. Ed. Leech, veterinarian, who has been located in Winona for the last 20 years, plans to leave with his wife the end of the week for Vineland, N.J. Dr. Leech will make his headquarters on a farm of 80 acres which he owns near that place and will undertake veterinary work in the south central part of New Jersey or the heart of Maryland. While he does not expect to personally conduct his farm he will oversee it and make that his headquarters for other work.

In the 20 years he has been located in Winona Dr. Leech has done general veterinary work for 15 years of that time has been inspector for interstate shipments of stock, looking into the health of livestock passing between the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. This service is now to be discontinued here, it is stated. Inspection work has increased in Minnesota and Wisconsin, as well as in other states, until now, with 10 or more inspectors to a state, this inspection can be performed at important points without the inconvenience of stopping the stock for inspection at points where they may pass from one state to another, it is stated. While in Winona Dr. Leech also served for seven years as city milk inspector.

Mrs. Leech also has been active, particularly along the line of promoting women’s work. For several years she acted as superintendent of the women’s department at the Tri-County fair in Winona. She also has served as assistant superintendant in the women’s department at the Minnesota state fair.

Winona Republic-Herald, Feb. 4, 1920

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